Plan for Culture

Projekt Oris hiša arhitekture 

You are invited to participate in the PFC project! Use the online portal Plan for culture to announce all your upcoming events and festivals.

To become partner of the portal write to

Oris Kuća arhitektur / Hiša arhitektur is building the online portal Plan for culture - a joint calendar of all events in the field of architecture, culture, art and design, with which they want to more actively promote cultural and artistic events and communication between Croatian and regional cultural institutions. Each participating institution or organization is a co-editor of the portal: they can freely and independently enter and publish their events and festivals, thus informing the public and coordinating dates with other event organizers.

You are invited to participate in the PFC project! Use the online portal Plan for culture to announce all your upcoming events and festivals. The use of the portal and announcements of events are free.

For more information about the portal, visit If you want to become a partner of the portal, send a message to

You are invited to participate in the PFC project! Use the online portal Plan for culture to announce all your upcoming events and festivals.

To become partner of the portal write to